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Strict discipline and silence is to be observed in the library and reading room.

Library books may be issued to the senior classes and returned only during Library period. Anyone failing to return the book on the due date shall incur a fine of Rs. 10/- per day.

Marking, underlining, cutting, erasing or damaging pages of the books are strictly prohibited. Any damage or loss of library book shall be restituted by replacement of the book or by paying its cost with an additional fine by the borrower according to the discretion of the Librarian/Principal.

Periodicals/Magazines are to be read in the Library/Reading Room only and the same are to be placed in their specific places after use.

If necessary the Librarian/Principal may recall a book at any time.

All pupils from VI onward must read a minimum of 10 English books, 8 Hindi books and 8 Punjabi books in a year. A one page summary of each book read must be shown to the class teacher or else 2 marks for every book not thus read will be deducted from English, Hindi and Punjabi paper in the Final examination.